Agri Marketing Challenges and Risks

Issues in Agri Marketing in Nigeria

Over the years, major changes came into effect to improve the agricultural marketing system. Other groups like regulated markets, co-operative marketing institutions, marketing boards, warehousing cooperatives etc., have been established primarily to help the farmers. Different marketing functions are required to be improved to meet daily requirements of the farmers. In the case of improving the marketing system for livestock and food in developing countries as Nigeria, it is applicable to understand the nature of marketing problems as it is only by doing this that workable solution can be found.

Identified problems are as given below.
Poor handling, packing and processing facilities

Lack of information about production and marketing

Lack of farmer's organization

Inadequate research on marketing

Lack of uniform standardization and grading

Large Number of middlemen

Small and scattered holding

Forced Sales

Technological Development Problems in farm production

Lack of transport facilities

Growth of urban centres

Communication problem

Inadequate storage capacity and warehousing facilities

Adulteration of produce and malpractices in market

The following are the suggested measures to improve Agri marketing
Provision of Agri marketing training to farmers

Co-operative marketing

Provision of cold storage facilities and refrigerated transport

Improving transport facilities

Market information

Market research

Market Extension

Development of physical market

Establishment of regulated markets

standardization and grading

Improvement in handling and packing

Provision of storage facilities
